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Date November 2016 Marks available 8 Reference code 16N.2.SL.TZ0.6
Level Standard level Paper Paper 2 Time zone TZ0 / no time zone
Command term Explain Question number 6 Adapted from N/A


The human circulatory system is structured to serve the organs and tissues of the body efficiently.

Outline the exchange of materials between capillaries and tissues.


Explain the structures and functions of arteries and veins.


Describe what happens in alveoli.



a. molecules move by diffusion / move down a concentration gradient

b. nutrients move into tissues

c. gas exchange / Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between tissues and blood/capillaries

d. (nitrogenous) wastes/excess water move from cells/tissues into blood/capillaries

e. hormones leave capillaries in target tissues/to attach to receptors on cells / (endocrine) organs/gland tissues release hormones into the bloodstream


a. arteries and veins have three layers in their walls
walls of arteries and veins have tunica externa, media and intima

b. pressure is high in arteries/pressure is low in veins

c. arteries receive blood from ventricles/heart / carry blood away from heart

d. lumen of artery is small to keep pressure high

e. arteries have thick (muscular) walls (with elastic fibres) to withstand pressure

f. elastic fibres recoil in response to ventricle/heart contraction

g. muscle / elastic fibres help maintain pressure between heartbeats
muscle / elastic fibres help propel blood toward capillary beds

h. veins receive blood from capillaries/capillary beds / carry blood to heart

i. large lumen of veins so there is less resistance to blood flow

j. valves in veins keep blood flowing toward heart/prevent backflow


a. gas exchange

b. oxygen diffuses from air to blood and carbon dioxide diffuses from blood to air

c. oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells

d. pressure inside/volume of alveoli increases/decreases / air enters/exits alveoli during inspiration/expiration/ventilation

e. blood flow through capillaries / concentration gradients of gases/oxygen/CO2 maintained

f. type II pneumocytes secrete fluid/surfactant / secretion of surfactant to prevent sides of alveolus adhering

Accept answer in a clearly annotated diagram.


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Core » Topic 6: Human physiology » 6.2 The blood system
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Core » Topic 6: Human physiology

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